Sunday, September 4, 2011

50 ideas to increase profits and reduce costs

!9# 50 ideas to increase profits and reduce costs

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50 ideas you want to win the main building that offers immediate use in your business to increase profits and reduce costs to know?

If yes, you read all these ideas that have been made by clients, and benefiting from their activities to give a dramatic increase in profitability. Most of the ideas for action to be implemented immediately. Every idea has the potential to give you many points% increase in net profit.

Research has shown that to increase profits by 4% -56% and reduce costs18% -37% within 2 years, called 5-step model for the easy profit. Normally, a discount of 5% of the cost is reasonable, a reversal of the loss-making enterprises.

Companies can calculate the value of the savings from these two simple formulas

If the deal with a loss

Total income = spending + absolute value of the net loss of + / - Income taxes say X =

Saving least we do it in 2 years = 5% X (calculated above)

If the company did aProfit

Total expenditure = revenue + profit + / - Income taxes say Y =

Saving least we do it in 2 years Y = 5% (calculated above)

How much can you save? Improving profits through?


This category typically includes flow of resources in the business of business.

Needless to say that the process of construction of profit can be used to generate ideas for marketing and sales. The ideas were generated with theAim to increase sales with little or no impact on the cost structure.

Increase revenue ideas

1 If your company has facilities on a multi-region, you may be able to rent a room for the antenna to the mobile phone companies. Typically these companies to use the roof as a place to pay their antennas erected. Another option is how to billboards, if they occupy a central location in a building with high visibility. This will increase your revenueno additional cost. The point here is to explore alternative uses for your plants. Remember these are activities that can be for 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There are many ways to increase revenue, if you search for them. Training room and function room facilities can be rented in the evenings or on weekends. How about replacing the land that you own or slot for public parking?

2 Determine whether your company's commissions and marketNCO products as an add-on sales. Looking for ways to sell products in your existing customer base, at no additional cost. Examples include the sales catalog for the passengers and the sale of various products for customers with credit card. You can have the opportunity to do something similar. Your customers are more valuable than you think.

3 There is added value in the customer database? Perhaps your company could obtain additional income by selling the data to generate.Alternatively, consider starting a telemarketing department to another line of products or services on the market. Depending on the nature of your business and your customer base you have something great here.

4 Discover the benefits of an effective e-strategies, including e-commerce, e-business, e-people and e-technology. There is no doubt that the new opportunities through the Internet, new and innovative ways to increase profits and reduce costs to offer. Consult with an experthappen to this area with a cross section of staff and the magic is.

5 Segment your customers into categories of users and heavy users of electricity, and the difference between these two groups. What must be done to generate a sale of two other categories? All customers are critical. What can we learn about the different types of customers, sell more if possible occasion? Making the most of these customers, you already have.

6 Develop retentionStrategies and growth strategies. In today's market, it is equally important to adhere to your existing customer base as your business grow. He took a certain amount of resources to win your customers, you should investigate ways to maintain a high percentage. What is the cost of acquiring a customer? What is the cost to keep a customer? Your employees know?

7 Moreover, for products grown and / or services, the value would not addEffort.

8 Explore the means of licensing or franchising your business products or services for additional market share or penetration

9 Mergers and acquisitions are scenarios where the efficiency of all businesses affected would be won.

10 Develop a relationship with a long distance carrier, and distribute business cards to telephone customers in exchange for a period of rest or commissions.


This category typically includes taxesin connection with

• Management Pay
• Do not Pay-management
· Opening of payment
• Vocational Work
• Payment for overtime
• All others pay, wages and salaries Articles

Cost Saving Ideas

11 Take a 45 to 60 hours per week work environment between managers. Cost structures of your competitors are basically the same cost structure so that you get an advantage, because your leaders are working more hours. This implies thatTheir leaders are productive. Manager, responsible for a staff of hourly employees are generally in the structure, a store, restaurant or office, at least this amount of time. Sometimes the turnover is extremely low, or in advance of closing. During the hours of slow, managers can save considerably by programming fewer employees, and filled it. Besides the work easier to find managers and their knowledge on ways to improve operationsCustomer service, training and operation. I introduced this technique in several places. In the beginning there is always resistance, but once the initial hump managers get things running smoothly. I also find that some incentive programs and working here. Get to safety incentives managers on the basis of dollars of work and come to understand the process.

12 Effective management of your payroll programs. Many companies in words this principle, butIt is not true to preserve the levels of success in work and management. To start, make sure you have a large salary for each position in the company. Salaries should be structured so that the center is to be 100, the minimum is 80% and a maximum of 120%. The basic philosophy is that the candidate must be in a position between the minimum and the focus will be hired based on your experience level. Employees are then moved later in the section on the basisPerformance. This philosophy is based on the premise that mid-level position for the company's worth is. Employees may receive a supplement of 20%, with excellent performance. Few employees must be paid at 120% of the territory. Each job is worth a certain amount for the organization. If a staff training to the new needs of efficiency in a particular job, is that employees at a level lower than the value of the position and must be paid the minimum wage range. If 'Performance of employees has increased after the completion of training and can move at 100% of the professional obligations of employees to quickly perform the midpoint of the income bracket.

13 They insist that a salary survey each year are made to ensure that it reaches the desired position of the community than the competition. In this case, competition from companies hire employees. You must make sure that if you survey 10 people and you have a large salary higher than75% of these companies for their most important positions and more than 50% of these companies to lower level positions. The implementation of this strategy will help to reduce turnover and also ensure that you are not too much to pay for items.

14 Make sure your salary administration program provides a regular salary check. It is usually once a year for employees and for employees every six months time. The review should be a form of performance evaluation and employeeLevels of performance must conform to the established wage increases. In other words, the definition of the premium for the performance evaluation system.

15 Imagine a bell curve for salary increases. Suppose that about 8% of the employees are top performers, 12% above average, average 60%, 12% fair, and 8% are poor. Create a guideline salary increase that reflects the curve, with the most powerful employees receive more increments. For example, consider the staffadded 6% to 7%, dependent on the average 4% to 5%, 3% of average employees, proud employee of the 2%, 0% poor and staff. This allows the organization to review and reward performance while meeting their budget pay increase. Obviously, your goal is to continue to train and develop your employees. Occasionally underperforming employees with the most suitable position to replace. The Bell Curve is just a process to ensure that the star artists are recognized and rewarded for theirto work.

16 Set the salary budget increase driving and stick to it. The salary increase plan for the next year with the bell curve in the aforementioned idea. Head of Department should salary budget increases for employees expect that the performance next year will be at the same level as this year. Please note that some evaluations of the performance will change. There will always be exceptions. This process will help ensure that your organization will remain in the newSalary budget increase.

17 The budget increase of wages should be pre-approved guidelines. When another assessment is made during the year, and make sure they treat him as an exception to justify it, because the services may change, may rise or fall. A rigorous program of payroll will ensure that budgets are achieved.

Ask a rate of 18 training for all relevant positions. This is essential if the organization experiences increased sales during the first andsecond month of work. Training is less than the standard salary and is applicable only during training. Employees are given an increase if the training has been satisfactorily completed. Determine if the rate of formation has been observed for other positions within the organization.

19 Where is the rate of formation is not necessary, has a rate of probation for the standard period of 90 days. This rate is lower than the normal wages and is onlyduring the first 90 days of work. If performance is satisfactory, the employee receives a salary increase to pay the standard rate. Determine whether a sentence probation for all positions within the organization has been found.

20 Develop a work management system in which a computer calculates a daily volume or time and the amount of labor demand based on seasonality. Most companies have a trend-cycle that can be measured in increments of 15 minutes. First you must find a wayPast the idea that your company will not be persecuted in this way. There is a model for your business. Know your business model is the first step in determining how to manage labor costs. Management will give you many reasons why I do not work to be pursued. Once you are in all their concerns, you and your team can identify the elements of this trend, improve your customer behavior can be traced, in fact, work, and plan accordingly.

Determine whether 21Its employees for the new job tax credit program designed with a part of the training to qualify the U.S. dollars paid by the government.

22 Determine whether your organization qualifies for tax benefits for the provision of personal care.

23 When you save your staff in dealing with cash transactions, cash reconciliation process driven software installed on time during shift changes and at the end. This also reduces the liquidity constraints. This process saves time inCash-out process.

24 Software constantly changes, may appear to reduce labor costs. Seconds saved could mean dollars earned. The use of technology is a natural approach to the whole effort to improve productivity. If your company has been recently investigated this area, effective tools currently exist that may surprise you.

25 I am an industrial engineer to assess your company in terms of time and motion studies to determine whether additional efficiencies can be achieved inAreas where high throughput is important. This approach can still work today. Some managers run their businesses the same way they did 10 or 20 years. Study of time and movement can have an impact on cost reduction, productivity, customer service and employee morale.

26 Set up a team with specific responsibility for self-regulation to improve productivity and reduce costs in a particular department or area of ​​the organization.

27 Develop an incentive to reduce absenteeism.This incentive should be to improve productivity goals and the availability of labor to be connected. Should be based on the reduction of absenteeism from the previous period. The incentives could include a bonus holiday on the basis of a 1% reduction in absenteeism

28 Develop a variable compensation program, to be reduced management salaries by 5% to 10% across the board and those U.S. dollars to set aside a bonus pool. If it is the achievement of objectives managers have the opportunity to earn an even higher levelCompensation. However, those dollars will be at risk if managers can not achieve charitable purposes. The potential to earn even greater compensation for selling this product.

29 Controlling your staff turnover is another way to reduce operating costs. Implementation of strategies for the entire cycle of human resources, to ensure that all systems, procedures, policies and practices prevent workers from falling through the cracks close. I call the manResources in closed loop. If you think about it, you'll see that it will become a cycle of human resources. It starts with recruiting, interviewing, selection and placement and ongoing guidance, training, payroll, performance evaluation, development, promotion and finally termination. Then the cycle begins again. Make sure that all of these areas are people friendly and are designed to keep employees. Identify all areas where improvement would reduce theNumber of employees leave.

30 To determine where additional controls, however, we measure the cost of labor in terms of cost per unit, cost per test to check the cost for guests, etc. raised the cost of labor at the lowest unit will help you find better ideas cost-saving. In addition, it is easier to influence and control.

Other personnel costs

This category generally fees associated

• Apply Payroll Burden
·Superannuation employer's part
* Celebrations
Payment · Holidays
· Leave Sick
· Bonus
Disability • Short / long term
• Medical Group

Cost Saving Ideas

31 Make sure your company has a program that offers all full-time employees the option of a higher salary instead of taking some services (like medical insurance, dental and life) to be achieved. Today many employees are to be carried out on a spouse. Why can notthese employees to choose a higher salary rather than benefits? As long as wage increases less than the cost of services, the company will save money and staff increases their income.

32 Assessing the cost of your pension administration. There are competitive programs to reduce administrative costs. A simple assessment of three different companies to determine if you have the opportunity to make savings. Even if you do not want to break the currentSuperannuation administration, you may still be able to better deal by negotiating your opinion.

Reduce Workers' Compensation Insurance 33 through the reduction of aggressive incidents. Evaluate your workers' compensation claims to determine the real story. Most companies use the actual speed, and never to re-evaluate, although her experiences to change. Depending on your business you may be surprised at the potential here.

34 Run to the Internet to conduct benefitmeet your costs with those of similar organizations.

35 Third-party challenge to reduce administrative costs by using the model for the profit-sharing and those savings on to you.

36 Continue to monitor the costs of workers 'compensation' and to develop action plans to reduce them.

37 Develop a work program that restores the injured employees in alternative positions. There are times when employees are injured for the organization and the relative position of activeare available.

38 Negotiate settlements when situations dictate the long-term compensation of workers'.

39 Avoid alcohol in all activities promoted by the company. This approach can prevent cutting accidents, drinking, running costs and reduce risks.


This category typically includes fees associated with

· Long-Distance Phone
Telephone Cellphone
· Pager
• Data lines
• Fax Lines

Cost reductionIdeas

40 Allowing a consultant to the telecommunications network at all costs calculated in terms of communication effort to analyze, equipment used and the programs offered, the actions available for use, the phone options, the performance of long-distance carrier and prices , fax and cable lock combinations, past invoices, and so on. Structure the contract so that the consultant bills based on the percentage of cost reduction or refunds received. In this way there will be no cost to you, if the consultantis not effective in improving profits. Check all areas of communications to find pockets of these costs that often go unnoticed. Pagers and cell phones are usually sorted and distributed, without the benefit of an organized plan. There are real and significant discounts if you shop around.

41 continue to check rates and conditions with the vendor to negotiate the services. Initiate a process always underway to re-negotiate the rates and conditions.

42 Monitor and(To check the host, or genre) to control communication costs on the basis of cost per unit tests to determine the positions for the purposes of a subsequent check.


Connected in this category normally have had,

· Gas and electricity consumption
· Water

Cost Saving Ideas

43 Allowing a consultant to analyze the utility operating costs. These consultants know effectively with local public broadcasterssee performance-related, or missed opportunities in the field of gas and electric services. It should be approved in full, in order to verify existing installations and recordings. You should be analyzed in the development of an index and creating situations in which demand and graphics may cause the overpayment to the ground. It would also inform the Commission of Public Utilities.

44 Pay your consultant based on a certain percentage of the savings associated with its action steps. TheTypical is the 25% to 30% of the proven cost savings and refunds for a certain period of time. There should be no payment if the savings are.

45 Action Adopt energy saving measures including setting thermostats at 72 ° C. Automatic controls should be created to control the temperature outside working hours.

46 Switch off lights in meeting rooms, toilets and the officers are not in use.

47 Turn off all lights and safety at the end of itsBusiness.


This category typically includes fees associated with professional services such as

Perceiving attorneys' fees and Human Resources
• Proposals (national and international)
Perceiving fees for technical services
Perceiving Other fees

Cost saving ideas

Speaking for 48 charges. If your lawyer does not bring the tax issue, you should. Do not be afraid. In business, lawyers are free to set their own fees. Thebest time to discuss it at the beginning of a new legal matters.

49 Try to solve the cases, arguing instead.

Lawyers have 50 design standard forms that can be used in routine operations.


50 ideas to increase profits and reduce costs

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