Saturday, October 1, 2011

Adjust the volume and frequency equal progress in intensive

!9# Adjust the volume and frequency equal progress in intensive

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Surprising as it may seem, most bodybuilders, powerlifters, and they have not learned these key PowerBuilder. This is one of the most important for the progress and if you do not make it right, you can wander aimlessly in a pool of confusion and doubt. If you do it right, you'll make progress every workout to the point of your genetic potential and that it will take decades, but only a year or two.

Science is a discipline, so that no moresound theory. The transmit muscle magazines for years that every person is different and you have to find out what works for you. Nonsense!
If so, the doctors could not prescribe, nor give the anesthesia.

Can you imagine, on a table ready for surgery and anesthesia, the doctor says, "Well Joe, we go instead of 150 milligrams to 200 milligrams of anesthesia, we gave the patient's last effort with this transaction and we will just have to see if theworks ... of course there is always different and we really do not know what you get! "

They skip that table and be out the door before he could finish his last word! Of course this is not the case at all ... The doctors know exactly what to give, based on certain criteria. Medicine is a science much like the science of space travel. Do you think that NASA astronauts if their intention to return to ask every time?

The science of building muscle is actually verycut and dried. The same things that work for you to work for me and others ... with the result of your genetic potential. It is free for all or a game to guess! To build muscle mass and strength, exercise should be:

* Intensive

* Short and

* Rare

The reason for this is that your body a chance to increase their strength at the upper limit of 300%, while only increasing its ability to recover only 50%. This means, as you get bigger and strongerThe body's ability to recover, or offset, or compensate and build muscle is always more difficult, unless ... They control the volume and frequency! Lifting weights is not only a response to stress, such as tan. You can get a tan final by clicking on a warm sunny day in August ... not receive a cloudy day in December. Will stimulate muscle growth with a strong contraction of hard work.

The question then becomes clear, "How many times do I need to stimulate muscle growth in aTraining? "Or asked another way:" How many series should I do? "

If you want the sun, would not go to the hot August sun for two hours, is back for 10 minutes in two hours, 10 minutes and then repeat the cycle throughout the day. Your body would not be able to cope with stress! Nothing to do, especially if they had skin votes! They would burn, blister, and if repeated day after day, can die!

The same goes for exercise. Once you stimulate muscle growthtogether with an intense, no need to continue and again, outside the gym! Also an important note is this ... each repetition in a row is almost impossible until the last rep of a set is nothing but a warm-up. The last member representative is the safest, because the muscle is not able to contract at full steam. In truth, represents the first place, which is the most dangerous, but it is the last repetition, which makes the growth mechanism of the body.

Because of these reasons, I agree with MikeMentzer, which is only one set per exercise is necessary:

* The body recovers systemically, ie, as a whole. After recovering from the exhausting effects of training, only recover if there is enough capacity left, you can compensate for muscle or set.

* Since there are only for purposes of explanation, shovel fulls of the 100 ability to recover, the training should be brief. The sets are more than ready, more shovel fulls uses, so the definition of muscles orcompensate.

* Since the body recovers systemically, as a whole, and not by the body, the process takes longer than 24 hours or 48 hours, and can even up to a week or more. Rarely need training.

I would like to debunk a theory that many bodybuilders and weightlifters have ... that is, if you do not go to the gym 1-3 times, begin to lose muscle. This is ridiculous. How can you lose muscle if your body stillnot recovered from the last workout?

Now that you have a broad brush of the elements involved, as would the volume and frequency? Read more ...

Most of my clients do 2-5 series workout and train every 4-10 days. Workouts last 12 to 25 minutes in most cases, and there is enough time to recover between workouts. All my customers experience gains and stronger every workout. Since the strength gains and muscle gains are relative, a thoughtfulThe training is really based on starch. This is the only way to measure progress.

Since I published my last book in the month of October 2007, PowerBuilding High Intensity - The next step, I a number of my clients to me by e-mail me said that after only four training sessions have had significant strength gains every single workout. (A good example is a gain of 130 pounds in the squat alone, with similar benefits for other exercises.) Those withparts of the body as a stubborn shoulder and arm, was not able to make profits, report that their shoulders and arms are growing and are significantly larger. What makes this more interesting is that they do not direct any shoulder or arm exercise. I've had at least two men say that in a few weeks, broke his record of all time in power in the upper body. Wow! They might be overtraining, doing too much too often in its previous workouts?

Whatgreat testimonies of strength and muscle gain! But here is where it all ties together...

Those who were using this workout for a month or more asked, "Over the holiday season I took almost 10 days off (and some said 14 days off, rather than 4-5 days), and in that time frame, my shoulders, chest, arms everything grew even bigger! How can this be when I am not even working my shoulders and arms directly?" I have gotten this question asked many different ways, thus this article.

As you get stronger you must reduce the volume and frequency of your workout so that your body can compensate and then overcompensate. If you take one more workout before this happens, you short circuit the process and get nothing! If you do one more set than is necessary to stimulate muscle growth, you are overtraining!
You move into that overtraining state and if you continue, it could take possibly weeks or months to recover.

So the best thing to do is to insert another 2 or 3 rest days between training sessions. Remove an exercise. Many of my clients are conducted on two sets of training every 7 days. One client went 155-195 in 17 weeks of training once every 7 or 10 days for 15 minutes! Lets do the math, if I did well, gained 40 pounds of muscle training for about 3 hours in total ... absolutely! I know that bodybuilders spend 3 hours in a single training session, 3 or 4 times a week. You are lost and wondering why they do not neglect the gains and progress.

Well, aImportant to emphasize is genetics. Your skills are on your genetics. It is a real variable. Not everyone is an Arnold and Mike Mentzer, but it can certainly be the best thing you can be. The example above shows that this person had a very good genetics. But what happens if it's only £ 20 ... still great!

If you do this right people, you are making a profit each and every workout according to genetics, but until you take the right path, steps and understanding,You never know when you might be one or Mike Mentzer, Arnold.

Adjust the volume and frequency equal progress in intensive

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